Florida vs. Seminoles Long-Standing Blackjack Battle Likely to Get Ruling

Florida vs. Seminoles Long-Standing Blackjack Battle Likely to Get Ruling

yes there are! I can not believe a judge is going to rule in favor of The Seminoles as stated "monopoly" which violates The United States Anti Trust Laws which include the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914!The damage was done in 2010 with this original compact that allowed this monopoly to be created in the first place. I am all for the Seminoles to be allowed to offer a casino with all games but believe it should be regulated by the state and to benefit the state but only if it is legal for other casinos to open and offer residents and tourist other options also regulated by the state and for the benefit of the state and the residents with more career opportunties. Why not allow it to be the existing paramutals? By all means the state of Florida which is known and thrives on the tourism industry should benefit from the best tourism business which is casinos!!!! If the judge rule in favor of Seminoles now he is giving them the state which will be devastating to the residents who will be forced to pay more taxes to make up for the cost of what the state lost. I question whether this judge knows all the history and all the laws and I would hate to be lead to think that he may be getting paid more for ruling in favor of the Seminoles. So let's appeal and take it back to the US Supreme Court like the case in 1996 Seminoles vs The State of Florida which the ruling was in favor of the state referenced by the 11th Amendment. How about we all just come to agreement and let other casinos open which will also allow Seminoles to operate their casinos and add craps and roulette too so everybody wins!